Private transfers from Zadar Airport to Zagreb

Pro-Travel anounces special summer offer, private transfer from Zadar Airport to Zagreb or Zagreb to Zadar Airport. This transfer is suitable for travellers which use Ryanair Airlines since there is no direct line from Zagreb to Zadar airport and vice versa. We are the first transfer company which offers this private transfer service, capacity from 1 to 8 pax. The drive is about 3 hours in airconditioned vehicle, during which you will enjoy in conversation with our very good english speaking driver.

Our new product is shared ride, where you can be joined with other travellers. Do not hesitate to call or send as a message on Viber, WhatsApp or e-mail, we might be abe to adjust the price on some dates. Call and find out!!

+385 98 302464
+385 98 283637

Departures from Zagreb to Zadar Airport
Monday – 12:00 h
Wednesday – 07:00 h
Friday 13:00 h

Departures from Zadar Airport to Zagreb
Monday – 0:00 h
Wednesday – 12:00 h
Friday – 0:30

1-2 pax 400 € luxury executive sedan
3 pax 135 € per pax minivan
4 pax 100 € per pax minivan
5 pax 80 € per pax minivan
6 pax 70 € per pax minivan
7 pax 60 € per pax minivan
8 pax 50 € per pax minivan

Call us for FREE via Viber and WhatsApp
+385 98 302 464 – Igor
+385 98 28 36 37 – Andrea

We are using Skype, too:
Skype ID – horvatic.andreja
Skype ID – igor.horvatic1

Send us a message through Facebook messenger

On your side, at your side, the Pro-Travel difference!

Book your transfer Zadar-Zagreb now!
